
Why I love Jewish Wedding Video?


When I first filmed Jewish Wedding video in London, I was so tired, that on my next morning I barely could walk! But I also, was very impressed! I’m not sure if any other culture can match the same happy atmosphere like you get with Jewish Weddings… Seriously!

This was my new passion. I learned a lot from that first day I filmed. Most important was to have a good sleep the night before and have a good meal (with plenty of carbs to boost energy) on the day, plus few extra snacks in the camera bag 😉

One other thing I like about Jewish Weddings is that they keep their traditions from the very old times.

I will try to explain how most of the Jewish weddings I have filmed unfolded:

Ketubah Signing

In a short: The ketubah is a Jewish prenuptial agreement that dictates the conditions the groom will provide in the marriage The bride’s protections, rights and his responsibilities to her.

Ketubah Signing

All the men including groom gather in a room where they drink Scotch Whisky, Coke with some snacks, have loud conversations and then rabbi (teacher of Torah) explains to the groom the agreement he needs to sign. Then they pray…

The next thing is that they start making their way to the bride’s room, who usually sits in a separate room with her parents and all the female friends.

As they walk in the corridors they keep singing loud until reaching the brid’s room. That’s where the next part called Bedeken starts…



Before the ceremony, the groom approaches the bride for the bedeken, or veiling. Surrounded by family and friends he looks at her and then veils her face. This can be very emotional especially for the close family, and even for me sometimes…)

Bedeken. Jewish wedding in London

 After that he leaves her and everyone goes to the main place where the

ceremony called Chuppah will take place.

Pressure grows, excitement too…

The Walk to the Chuppah

In the Jewish tradition, both of the groom’s parents walk him down the aisle to the chuppah, the beautiful altar beneath which the couple exchanges their vows. Then the bride and her parents follow.

bride walking down the isle. Jewish wedding video

Walking down this few steps, that’s where the parents must feel very proud, but the bride and groom very nervous…) So many eyes keep looking at you, filming and taking pictures…

In a short: A chuppah has four corners and a covered roof to symbolize the new home they are building together.



One of the most interesting parts of a Jewish Wedding Ceremony is when the Bride circles the Groom under the Chuppah, when she first steps in.

Chuppah ceremony explained. Jewish wedding

Usually the bride circle the groom seven times, sometimes it’s three times.

There are few reasons for that, but I will leave it for you to find out.

After the circling has been completed, the service begins with two blessings over wine. Both the bride and groom drink from the glass of wine. Then the groom places the Jewish wedding ring on the bride’s right index finger. (Its artery is the closest bloodline to the heart of all your fingers!) Interesting…


Breaking of the Glass

At the end of the Jewish wedding ceremony the groom stomps on a glass to brake it.

groom braking the glass. Jewish wedding tradition

It is one of the best-known features of a Jewish weddings.

In a short: This symbolize where there is rejoicing, there should be trembling.



Mazel Tov!

Once the ceremony is over and the glass is broken, you will hear guests cheer “Mazel tov!“, meaning “good luck” or “congratulations.”

Mazel Tov Jewish wedding rituals

Mazel tov!” is one of the most well-known Jewish wedding rituals.

This is it! The new family born! Happy and blessed they are ready to celebrate this fabulous occasion like no one does!



And a very last few words or better video

I have made this short Jewish wedding video clip to show the whole wedding day in just under 75 seconds!

This is my view of a Jewish wedding, of their main traditional ceremony. I will continue to write about other cultural weddings as well, that I have filmed over the past 10 years.

By the way this was filmed at Royal Garden Hotel, located in central Kensington. Beautiful and Luxury place to get married!

If you looking for a Jewish Wedding Videographer with experience, then contact me now. I will be glad to talk about it.

Also check out my other wedding videos and look at my wedding packages that I offer.

P.S. from this year 2021 we adding drone filming. This is a great addition to capture your beautiful wedding venue from the birds view.

Check out our Instagram for the latest wedding videos and wedding photos. Click here.